Monday 1 December 2014

Fiona Harold - 10 Rules You Must Follow to be The Star in your Field

10 Rules You Must Follow to be
The Star in your Field

by Fiona Harrold

Read on or click here for audio link

  Some of the nicest, most genuine and hardest-working people fail in business.

These people know they’re really good at what they do, they know they deserve more, and yet they miss out on the recognition and reward that they see others getting, others who may be less scrupulous or sincere.
I think that’s tragic. I’m here to help YOU find your success. I want to help you get to your rightful place in life, to become a stand out success, and, if you wish, to become the star in your field.

There are 10 rules that I followed over the past 20 years to carve out my success to become what the media call, ‘Britain’s leading Life Coach’

I’m sharing them with you here for the first time, so you know what worked for me. They’ve also worked with hundreds of my private clients. I encourage you to take them and make them work for you.

To YOUR Success,

Fiona Harrold


All text and images owned by Fiona Harrold

#1 – Be a REBEL!

In 1983 an unknown singer had her first record released. She said, “I plan on being one of this century’s biggest stars.” That singer was Madonna.
Tamara Mellon was still in rehab when she made the decision to set up the luxury shoe brand, Jimmy Choo.
In 1994 I set my intention to be ‘Britain’s leading Life Coach’.

Who gave me permission to position myself as the star in my field? I did.

Who gave Madonna permission? Madonna

And how could someone in rehab think she could set up a luxury shoe brand when therapists were advising her to “start small and get a job in a shoe shop.”
My Number One Rule for being a Star is, Be a Rebel! You cannot stand out if you are trying to fit in. You cannot be ordinary and achieve something out of the ordinary. You cannot be conventional and achieve unconventional
success. You cannot be the average person and achieve something special.

Most people, especially in the UK, are programmed to fit in. They’re
encouraged to follow a set path in life, to fit into a place their family see fitting and possible. They have a need to be accepted that makes outstanding success unlikely, as they cannot risk doing or saying anything controversial. A typical working class or middle class upbringing will prepare you to get a good job and a mortgage in the pursuit of ‘security’. Whilst there is nothing wrong with this, it isn’t likely to lead to you standing out or becoming a star. To be a star, you have to be prepared to follow your own path, to carve out your own path, to think for yourself and not assume, as most do, that others know better than you. You must question authority and hierarchy and aspire to the place in life you feel drawn to, and not ‘the station’ or place in life your background may have groomed you for. You must be a person of your own making, not defined by your early circumstances. You must be truly self-made, a product of your own making, self-designed and self-created. This is true freedom and selfresponsibility.

Very few people take this route and this degree of personal responsibility. Those who do stand out and become stars in their fields.
Remember, I have no formal training to do what I do. I came from a working class background, a council estate, yet I have coached Lords and Ladies a Prime Minister, public figures and CEOs. I have no outside validation to do what I do, no external authority has deemed me ready. Madonna never had the best voice in the world. Tamara was never a shoe designer or had run a business before Jimmy Choo.
I grew up with a healthy irreverence for authority and those in power. I never assumed they were smarter or better than me. I was a Catholic growing up in ‘the Troubles’ in Northern Ireland, at a time when Catholics were treated as second-class citizens. I rebelled against that culture and defied all received notions of limitation. I encourage you to do the same, to question who or what you may be giving away your power to, to root out any and all notions of inferiority or limitation you may have imbibed.
YOU have to be the authority in your life. YOU have to be the sovereign power in your life.
Look to where or whom you may be giving your power away. Whose opinion matters to you? Whose approval are you looking for? Who do you want permission from to go out and do what you want?
The choice is simple. Stay small or Stand Out. Fit into the groove given to you or carve out your own.
TIP: The path to your stand out success starts with a decision. Decide to be a star and accept that your life is entirely of your own making. What do you want to make of it?

#2 – Do WHATEVER it takes

How much do you want success? Are you willing to do whatever it takes? Do you want it badly enough?
Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said, “There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.”
You have to have a ‘white hot desire’ to become the star you feel destined to become. Most people don’t appreciate how much work it takes to be a star. The fact is, you have to be better than most people and work harder.
Most people aren’t willing to do what it takes and keep going until they get the results they want. Beyoncé, Justin Timberlake, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Stephen King, Andy Murray, Roger Federer – stars in every field work hard to get as good as they are and stay good. They constantly strive to be better and have higher standards than most. I’m all for the Law of Attraction but we live in a material world that requires us to make a physical effort to get results.
 I remember being at a seminar with an old mentor of mine, David Neagle, and how he talked about getting started in his business and making calls from 7am to midnight. Seeing the surprise on our faces as to whom he could be calling at 7am or midnight, he said, “it’s always the middle of the day somewhere in the US.” Now that’s a star work ethic! It’s the reason he is a star mentor with a 7- figure business.
Thomas Edison was right, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”TIP: How badly do you want success? What are you willing to do or give up to have the success you want?

#3 - You need CHARISMA

Think of a star and you think someone of who shines. You think of someone who stands out from the herd.  The American medium, John Holland, said he watched Michael Jordan give a talk about a charity he cared deeply about and as he spoke he became lit up radiating an enormous golden glow, as though his very soul was shining.  That’s how you get charisma. You get it from being connected to a deeper part of you that you express through what you do. I call this – your ‘Calling.’  I know making money and making a profit is vital – but – in a business like Coaching or most service businesses – if that’s your primary reason for being in it, you’ll struggle to make money.  Because people want more from you. They want you to be ‘the real deal’ – in it from a genuine desire to help.  Charisma comes from being connected to your Calling.

TIP: Get in touch with a motivation that’s about more than money – and then
you’ll make money!


When I took a call from Hodder&Stoughton in 1998, they asked me if I could write. I said YES. They asked me if I was a Coach. I said YES. Was I sure I could write an entire book? Not at all. And I had no certificate or formal ‘qualification’ to be a Coach. As they say, I bit off more than I could chew, but I had a book deal by the end of the week and as they also say, the rest is history! To date, nearly 150,000 copies of Be Your Own Life Coach have been sold in the UK alone. To be a star, you must do the same. You MUST take ‘audacious’ action – the sort of action that could make you an overnight star, otherwise you’ll not make it to somewhere bigger than where you are. You’ll miss out on opportunities that could change your life. If you make a habit of trying to be always ‘ready’, you’ll miss out. Opportunities do not always come around again.

TIP: Ask, “What have I resisted doing, that could change everything for me?”
Do it!

#5- You have to FEEL CREDIBLE.

The fact is many people don’t. And if you don’t have the success you want, it’s likely that you don’t feel entirely credible and ready for the success you want. You could find yourself overworking and undercharging, which will wear you down and leave you exhausted. Even if that’s not you, think about being the star in your field. To get there, you’ll need to feel more credible than you do right now.  I see people trying to get credibility from another qualification, another course or certificate or more time. Occasionally, that is what they need to do. More often, it isn’t, and they’re looking to fill a void that a piece of paper and more time cannot fill. Filling your credibility gap starts with you taking an inventory of you. Look at yourself in the round. Look at your life experience and your professional experience, your natural skills and innate talents to see how fitted you are for the role you want. This is something self-deprecating British people tend to struggle with, seeing it as being ‘big headed’ or pushy. Be careful you are not downplaying your own potential and worth, so you present a lesser version of yourself to the world. ‘False modesty’ will stop you standing out and prevent you from ever being the star you could be.

TIP: It is vital that you feel a deep sense of qualification and rightness for the role that you want to carve out for yourself in life. Only then can you feel truly ready to stand out.

#6 – Be Interesting

Can you be boring and stand out? I don’t think you can. You won’t make the money you could make. And you definitely won’t have the impact you could make. A mentor of mine, New York Times bestselling author, Larry Winget, says, “Most people will never be outstandingly successful because they’re just not willing to take a stand and say something interesting”. People want more from you than your products and services. People want to believe in YOU and what you stand for, what you believe in and how your service stands for something more than money or simply offering a good service. People who don’t stand out are just not interesting enough. (No offence!) They don’t have a strong opinion that makes them stand out.
They never take a stand on anything. And in business, you are in a very crowded marketplace. If you’re not standing out with your standpoint, you could be invisible to the people you want to reach. This doesn’t mean you’re a boring person. It means you haven’t found a way to communicate what you feel passionate about to your audience. To help guide you, here’s my POV: I believe that people stop their success by not making the decision to be successful. I know this because I went from living in a squat on benefits to being a bestselling author with a 6-figure business and it began the day I made the decision to be successful. I spend a big chunk of time with my private clients and members of my StarMaker programmes to help them stand out through being interesting and to clarify and deepen their POV – point of view. We don’t have space to go into detail here, but below are some pointers towards capturing yours and becoming more interesting to your audience.

TIP: Answer the following:

What breaks my heart?

What do I know to be true?

How was it true for me?

#7 – Handle the critics

Will you get criticized when you stand out? You will. Will people question your right to your success? Some probably will. Could your fear of criticism stop you from getting what you want? Absolutely.

When my first book, Be Your Own Life Coach, came out in 2000 I had a tremendous amount of media exposure, from TV and radio to features in national papers and magazine. It was mostly positive except for one nasty and very personal attack in the Daily Express. There were also discussions on coaching Internet forums as to whether I was any good or whether it was all hype. Did it get to me? I’d like to say it didn’t but the truth is, it made me look at myself and ask those questions of myself and confirm that I was darn good at what I did! I also had the evidence of my clients’ results and my readers’ feedback.
It has to be the same for you. You will have your critics. That’s when you know you’re standing out! In the UK, in particular, we are very good at knocking people and we don’t have the success culture that the US and other countries have. Be prepared for the critics. Keep a perspective – avoid obsessing about that one person who criticized you or complained and bear in mind all the others who were satisfied and happy. Don’t dance for that one detractor while the people who need you and want your help are waiting for you.

TIP: Make your life and the success of your life more important than keeping
your detractors at bay.

#8 - CONNECT to your client

You have to connect to the pressing needs of your clients. If you don’t, you won’t build a following and a fan base. Many coaches and ‘experts’ don’t offer a specific solution to their client’s biggest problems. Instead, they offer a general or vague service that isn’t specific and perceived as vital. This goes beyond ‘knowing your niche’ or ‘ideal client’. It’s about differentiating yourself from everyone else out there and solving a very specific problem. For example, I can help you to stand out in your field. I can help you become the star in your field. The specific problem I am solving is you not being recognized and rewarded for your worth, which could mean you struggle to earn what you’re worth, have to chase clients and never have the success you could. I’m not positioning myself as a general Life Coach or Business Coach. I’m pointing to a very specific problem and offering a specific and tangible result. The more specific and tangible the result you offer, the easier your ideal clients will rush to you. My Superstar programme offers to secure you a book deal with a major international publisher and help you build a media profile. Can you see how tangible that result is? And for the super ambitious, that is a very compelling offer.

TIP: Think of someone you really enjoyed helping. What was their precise
‘pain’? What solution did you help them achieve?

#9 - Get a Mentor

If you’re serious about your success, get the best mentor you can afford. Having said that, I have spent money I didn’t have (go figure!) to work with people I admired. I made the decision to invest in me and made the decision to work to make the investment back. My first mentor was my Dad. He imbued me with the feeling that I could do anything. That feeling has never left me. My second was in my early 20s and she helped me change my life from living in a squat as a burnt out activist to setting up in business as a massage therapist and ‘self-esteem consultant’ – it was the 1980s! I continually invest in a mentor to help me see beyond my own limits, to expand my sense of what’s possible, to challenge me, and to show me better ways to do things. It must be the same for you, if you’re serious about your success. It’s one thing to be willing to do whatever it takes to be a star. You may also have to learn how to do that. If someone is further down the road than you, pay them to show you what you need to know to get there. You may be able to get there on your own. Why would you want to do that when you could learn better and faster from another?
The right mentor will speed up your progress and believe in you when you don’t. You’ll think bigger and act bolder with their backing. Yes, you have to do the work yourself, but you don’t have to do it alone. Doing it alone also means you’re likely to stop when you really should push on. There is no growth inside your comfort zone, only outside. Stepping outside will feel unfamiliar and most people will scuttle straight back inside. If you want to live beyond your comfort zone, get the best help to ensure you do.
I see people playing ‘cheap’ and only ever trying to get help with free Strategy calls or Telecalls or webinars and not being willing to pay the money and INVEST in themselves. That is not the way to become a star. This is not a star mentality. You must decide you are worth it and pay to get the best help you
can afford. Decide – You’re worth it!

TIP: Use a mentor who already has the success you want and a proven track

#10 - Have a BURNING VISION for Your Life

Get a vision for your life and claim it as your destiny.
At 27, Hugh Hefner was a young man who had a dream that was eating at him and there was nothing else he wanted to do but make it happen. He had no money to make it happen. He came from a modest background in Midwestern America and worked as a copywriter on Esquire magazine. He borrowed $600
against his furniture and raised a further $8,000 from 45 investors. In the same year he brought out the first issue of what would become the best-selling men’s magazine in the world. That magazine was Playboy. At that moment, he had no idea what was to come - a global brand that would lead to nightclubs, and hotels and casinos. Put aside your opinion about the brand and look at this example of a vision coming to life. “When I was a boy growing up on the far West Side of Chicago, the beacon from the tallest skyscraper on Lake Shore Drive used to sweep across the sky at night. There was something mysterious and mystical about that beacon. It represented a world of sophistication and adventure that I could only dream about. That beacon was like the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock in The Great Gatsby. The connections between F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby, and my own young dreams were powerful ones. I wanted to live in that world and chronicle it as Fitzgerald had done the roaring twenties. And of course that’s exactly what I did. Later I even acquired the skyscraper with the beacon. It became the Playboy Building. And that beacon? It became the Bunny Beacon.”
Get a vision for your life that pulls you forward, gets you out of bed in the morning, keeps you inspired and never, never give up. You owe that to yourself. Keep the faith!

TIP: Your vision has to become your burning desire for your life It is your
heart’s desire impelling you forwards. It is YOU unfolding in the world as you
are meant to, allowing the star within you to shine.

PS I hope this has struck a chord for you. If you’d like to speak with us about

how we can help you become the star in your field, call us on 0845 548 0208 or

click this link

Fiona xx

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